meeting and greeting meaning in English
- It ' s worth two free drinks at the meet and greet
在meet and greet这值两杯免费的酒 - As you know , tonight is our bimonthly " meet and greet " party
正如你们所知,今晚是我们2月一次的“集会庆祝”派对! - At our entrance , mrs . fairfax , adele , sophie , leah , advanced to meet and greet us
我们进门时,费尔法克斯太太阿黛勒索菲娅莉娅都走上前来迎接我们。 - Each event should include time on the agenda for an informal “ meet and greet ” between the chairman and rotarians
每次会议在议程时间表上都应该包括了有关基金会主委与扶轮社员间非正式的?会面与寒暄? 。 - Lead - in : today we will talk about western manners in three aspects : meeting and greeting people , introductions and table manners